Planning for retirement can feel overwhelming, especially if you happen to be getting a late start. However, it is essential to prepare your finances for retirement, especially as you enter your fifties and sixties, and have more clarity on what you want out of this next phase of your life. Use the three steps below as a roadmap to get started, or to help ensure your current retirement plan covers these essential areas.
If you’re a small business owner, you should be using every tool in your arsenal to grow and protect your business. This includes taking advantage of the many federal tax credits available. Since this can be a confusing topic, I’m going to share a primer on how tax credits work, which ones you should be aware of, and the forms you need to file in order to capitalize on them.
When Used Correctly, HSAs Can Be a Great Financial Planning Tool
It’s no secret that healthcare costs are on the rise and there are no signs of prices falling anytime soon. In the face of skyrocketing costs, many people are turning to their Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) to help pay for current and future healthcare costs. Often, these accounts are offered through an employer, but they can also be opened individually. To qualify, you must be covered under a high-deductible insurance plan, and if you are, you can take advantage of an impressive array of benefits.
If you have an HSA but you aren’t sure you’re optimizing it, read on for eight important benefits.
Putting Your Retirement Savings First Isn’t Selfish – It’s Smart
Saving for the future can seem like a herculean task, especially for young families who are still settling into careers and are burdened with an abundance of competing financial demands. It can be difficult to see the big picture, let alone plan for it, when you’re raising children, paying off a mortgage, staying on top of household bills, and the countless other expenses that come with living life. So, if you’re having an internal debate about retirement savings versus college savings, you’re not alone.
Small Business Owners Can Benefit from These Plans in More Ways Than One
Within many companies, employees enjoy a plethora of benefits that come along with their salary. Typically, there’s paid time off, health insurance, and for some, access to retirement savings accounts through the employer. One way a company may offer to help their employees save for retirement is through a cash balance plan, which works almost like a traditional pension plan but with some differences that make it attractive to small business owners. In essence, a cash balance plan provides self-employed individuals the opportunity to make sizable contributions to a retirement savings account while also enjoying tax benefits for their businesses.
This is an important option to consider because, oftentimes, self-employed individuals end up robbing themselves of the benefits that others get because they’re focused on putting all their money and resources into their business. However, cash balance plans come with tax benefits that significantly help any self-employed individual in the present, while offering a valuable way to save for retirement, too.
Familial Considerations for the Next Generation of Your Business
When you view your business succession plan from a strictly financial standpoint, you’ll cover a lot of ground. You’re likely to think through things like market valuations, trust strategies, taxes, and more. What you might fail to put enough thought into, however, is the more personal aspect of business succession. Specifically, you’ll need to decide whether to include your children in your plans for maintaining the infrastructure of your business after your eventual retirement or death.
If you have adult children with an interest in taking over your company, you’ll need to plan for efficiently transferring both equity and control – as well as how to do so fairly. Below, we’ll talk through four considerations to keep in mind as you explore the more personal and familial aspects of your business succession planning.
Reflecting on the ups and downs of the current year and setting financial resolutions for future goals is a longstanding tradition to usher in the new year. What better area for focused, deliberate improvement than your finances? If you want to turn your finances around or simply experience more prosperity in 2022, you need to keep three key factors in mind: earnings, expenses, and savings.
If you’d like to improve your finances in the new year, consider the four financial resolutions below.
Mark Imperial, host of the Remarkable! Radio Show, sits down with Zach Morris, as part of a series spotlighting remarkable financial advisors from around the country. Zach shares why he founded Paces Ferry Wealth Advisors, the importance of the client experience, setting clients up for retirement success, and whether the pandemic has changed financial planning. Zach and Mark discuss why steady hands prevail in any type of environment, and why a full financial plan is more important to clients than simply focusing on a particular level of risk.
Zach Morris | Remarkable! - Hosted by Mark Imperial
Host of the Remarkable! Radio Show and marketing and client acquisition specialist, Mark Imperial sits down with Zach Morris, Wealth Advisor and Founder of P...
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Zach Morris Provides Perspective on How to Talk to Your Parents about Estate Planning in a Recent Article for The Balance
In an article published by, Co-Founder Zach Morris offered his insight and expertise on how you can best talk to your parents about estate planning, and why it’s so important to start the discussion now. Here’s a snip of the article: Discussing estate planning with your parents is a conversation that can be difficult […]
Paces Ferry Wealth Advisors, LLC is a registered investment advisor with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”). This material is intended for informational purposes only. It should not be construed as legal or tax advice and is not intended to replace the advice of a qualified attorney or tax advisor.
Recently, there has been a lot of discussion about the tax plan put forth by the Democrats and the corresponding changes it may bring. While there is still a lot that is unknown, some of the upcoming tax changes are certain and can begin being planned for. Below is a summary of some of the items that will change in the 2021 tax season.
Financial planning provides a plethora of benefits; however, it also comes with many challenges considering it’s impossible to completely prepare for an unpredictable future. Despite the impossibility of being able to fully prepare for what the future holds, a smart financial plan can still provide you with the flexibility and strong financial foundation you need to respond to whatever it may bring.
What You Need to Know About These Valuable, Complex Benefits
Equity compensation can be an incredibly valuable employee benefit, but it can also be a complex subject matter to get your arms around. Not only are there multiple types of equity compensation, but each has unique characteristics you should keep in mind in order to maximize its value.
Below, we’ll discuss the most common types of equity compensation and dig into the potential challenges and unique benefits of each one so that you can make smart decisions for your financial situation – and avoid costly mistakes, too.