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Tag: financial planning

Managing Healthcare Costs in Retirement: Strategies for Long-Term Health Planning

Five Strategies to Help Round Out Your Retirement Planning

As retirement approaches, one of the most significant concerns for many is managing healthcare costs, especially as healthcare costs continue to rise. While this can seem like a daunting task, having an effective plan in place for these expenses can help boost your retirement strategy and make you feel more prepared. If you’re worried about your long-term care planning, below are five strategies that you may want to consider to help you manage healthcare costs.

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Wealth-Building Habits to Start the New Year Strong

Help Secure Your Financial Future and Find Peace of Mind

Building wealth is a goal for many – and one that you may be considering as the New Year dawns. In the vast majority of cases, it doesn’t happen overnight. You might think that you need an above-average income or a significant inheritance to build wealth, but in reality, the process starts with small but meaningful wealth-building habits. It takes discipline and patience to build your wealth, but the sooner you start, the sooner you can reap the benefits. With the wealth-building habits discussed below, you can find yourself on the way to greater possible financial freedom.

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Life Transition Planning: Do You Need a Financial Advisor in the New Year?

Navigating Your Wealth Through Times of Change

If there’s one thing that serves as a constant throughout our lives, it’s change. Leaving home, beginning a career, getting married, building a family, navigating career transitions, divorce, and loss of loved ones are just a few examples of events that mark periods of great adjustment. These life transitions impact us emotionally, but also financially, and it’s smart to have a trusted financial advisor by your side to help you navigate the practical financial aspects of these different phases of life. If you think the New Year will bring a time of change and evolution in your life, it might be the perfect time to begin working with a professional you trust. In this article, we’ll discuss life transition planning for five specific, common scenarios and share how a financial advisor can offer guidance.

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The Self-Employed Cash Balance Plan

Small Business Owners Can Benefit from These Plans in More Ways Than One

Within many companies, employees enjoy a plethora of benefits that come along with their salary. Typically, there’s paid time off, health insurance, and for some, access to retirement savings accounts through the employer. One way a company may offer to help their employees save for retirement is through a cash balance plan, which works almost like a traditional pension plan but with some differences that make it attractive to small business owners. In essence, a cash balance plan provides self-employed individuals the opportunity to make sizable contributions to a retirement savings account while also enjoying tax benefits for their businesses.

This is an important option to consider because, oftentimes, self-employed individuals end up robbing themselves of the benefits that others get because they’re focused on putting all their money and resources into their business. However, cash balance plans come with tax benefits that significantly help any self-employed individual in the present, while offering a valuable way to save for retirement, too.

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Should Your Children Play a Part in Your Business Succession Plan?

Familial Considerations for the Next Generation of Your Business

When you view your business succession plan from a strictly financial standpoint, you’ll cover a lot of ground. You’re likely to think through things like market valuations, trust strategies, taxes, and more. What you might fail to put enough thought into, however, is the more personal aspect of business succession. Specifically, you’ll need to decide whether to include your children in your plans for maintaining the infrastructure of your business after your eventual retirement or death.

If you have adult children with an interest in taking over your company, you’ll need to plan for efficiently transferring both equity and control – as well as how to do so fairly. Below, we’ll talk through four considerations to keep in mind as you explore the more personal and familial aspects of your business succession planning.

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