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Tax-advantaged Savings Accounts for High-Income Earners

Saving for retirement requires planning and, to some extent, strategizing on a multitude of levels, this is especially so if you’re a high-income earner. If you’re a high-income earner, in particular, one of the most important strategies you’ll need to implement is a tax strategy that maximizes the benefits provided by different types of retirement savings accounts.

These accounts encourage individuals and households to save toward their retirement goals. For more affluent households, however, there are more options available regarding which accounts to allocate savings to. So, the question becomes, how can you maximize the tax benefits of various retirement savings accounts when your high-income status allows you the ability to contribute to several different accounts simultaneously? We’ll discuss your options below.

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The Cash Balance Plan: A Pension Plan for High Earners

If you’re a business owner, physician or self-employed individual, you likely face higher taxes than the majority of Americans. However, there are strategies you can use to keep more of your hard-earned money by reducing your tax liability and increasing your asset protection. One of these strategies is through a particular type of Defined Benefit Plan called the Cash Balance Plan.

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