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7 Steps to Building Your Family Financial Plan

How to Develop a Comprehensive Financial Strategy to Set Your Family Up for Success

Every family will experience various stages of life and unexpected events as the members of that family grow. Having a strong family financial plan in place can help ensure that, no matter what your family encounters, you’ll remain on firm financial footing. Developing a comprehensive strategy for managing your money requires that you start with the basics – that means setting up a budget, paying down your debts, and building a solid safety net for emergencies. Depending on the family, it may also mean investing for retirement and starting a special savings account dedicated to future college costs.

Personal financial planning can be complicated enough, so financial planning for your entire family can be especially challenging. However, it’s not impossible. With dedication and deliberate care, you can make a family financial plan that works for everyone. No matter your family’s situation, there are key elements that should be included in any family financial plan. As you get started with yours, here are seven key steps to consider.

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How to Use the S.M.A.R.T. Goal-Setting Framework to Set and Achieve Financial Goals

A Savvy Strategy for Meeting Your Money Objectives

If you want to achieve your life’s goals, you must first envision them and then create expectations for yourself. When you begin to see your goals as reality, it can become easier to see how to reach them, too. However, this can often feel like an uphill battle – especially when it comes to your financial goals.

Planning for success in your financial future is a challenge, but you can help yourself stay focused and on track by setting the right type of goals at the outset. To improve your chances of success, set S.M.A.R.T. financial goals.

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How to Maximize Your Earnings Through Smart Career Moves at Any Age

Steps to Bring You Closer to Financial Security in Any Phase of Life

Achieving financial security demands the cultivation of good money habits. These include saving regularly, sticking to a budget, and investing wisely. However, wealth management isn’t the only way to go about establishing a firm financial footing. It’s also critically important that you manage your career smartly. The choices you make at work can have a lasting and significant impact on your future financial comfort.

Here are some steps you can take to maximize your earnings at work no matter where you are in your career.

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Managing Your Response to Behavioral Biases

In the investment business terrain, there truly is no such phenomenon as a “sure thing,” and this is the reason our goals-based planning method takes into account the natural unpredictability of the market. In order to arrive at a safe middle ground, our strategy endeavors to invest assets in a way that even the worst of market situations have a less than total effect on any one portfolio. While there is no guarantee, prudent and science-based investing can help our clients weather the storm during market declines and benefit from the growth during periods of market upticks.

Human nature being what it is, however, we anticipate the anxiety that can lead clients to respond hastily during market corrections. Unfortunately, these premature panic responses can jeopardize a long term strategy, and significantly hurt a portfolio.

Behavioral biases can negatively affect our financial decisions, but there are ways to harness the power of optimism and manage your responses in a positive, confident manner, despite the inevitable pressures you may face financially over the course of your life.

The following is a demonstration of how a pragmatic approach to managing your behavioral biases can function to prevent your negative auto-responses during times when your confidence in your finances is strained.

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